
Staff will receive all mandatory training as required by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) together with tailored to the individual needs of each client, which makes sure that our staff have all the appropriate skills for their job role, and that training is cost effective for employers

Our training programmes are all tailored to the individual needs of each client, which makes sure that our staff have all the appropriate skills for their job role, and that training is cost effective for employers.

Alongside our great courses on key topics like Manual Handling and First Aid, we deliver routine one-on-one sessions designed to identify any additional support that our staff need to perform vital duties, such as administering daily medications or knowing how to give CPR.

Beyond the core courses intended for all workers nation-wide, Northern Case Management can provide additional knowledge on topics as diverse as Epilepsy, Continence or Challenging Behaviour. We also assess and award the Care Certificate for all workers without existing qualifications, which will give them the necessary skills to take up a career in the Health and Social Care sector.

Core training for all staff includes: